Featured Projects
Private Residence, Kent
Our completed project In Kent is featured on the Haddonstone website!
Mormac commissioned Haddonstone to produce a large range of high-quality cast stone architectural components for this beautiful home.
Each cast stone design was handmade to order in Haddonstones own TecStone (wet-cast limestone) material, chosen in the colour Portland for the entire project.
Head over to the Haddonstone website for more details.
Beckenham, Kent
Our completed project in Beckenham is featured on the Haddonstone website!
Mormac commissioned Haddonstone to produce a large range of high-quality cast stone architectural components for this beautiful home.
Each cast stone design was handmade to order in Haddonstones own TecStone (wet-cast limestone) material, chosen in the colour Portland for the entire project.
Head over to the Haddonstone website for more details.
Private Residence, Kent
Our completed project in Kent is featured on the Mumford & Wood website!
Mormac commissioned Mumford & Wood to produce a large number of windows and doors for this project, over 4 floors.
Recognised as market leaders, they have built a well-earned reputation amongst architects, developers and aspirational home owners for products of outstanding quality.
Head over to the Mumford & Wood website for more details.